Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Rainbow Kitten Surprise

My RKS Story
Two years ago, my sister introduced me to a band that, quite honestly, has one of the most peculiar names I've ever heard. She showed me one song "Seven" and I was completely baffled, both because I usually think my sister has terrible taste in music, and because it was nothing like what I expected the band to sound like, given its name of course.
They are, and have been, my favourite band for a few years now(Spotify confirms this on my 2017 wrapped data).

Band Info.
The current band has 5 members, all of whom grew up in the mountains of North Carolina-and their locality transcribes into their music, bringing in a folky touch to what is considered an indie/alternative band. This, along with the unique raspiness of lead singer, Sam Mello, are what set the band apart from others in their genre.
Honestly, RKS does not receive the hype it deserves. Since my discovery of the band, I have successfully been getting many musi
c lovers hip, but it's still not enough in my opinion.


The band has released two albums: "RKS" and "Seven + Mary"
Their most popular song "Devil Like Me" reached #16 on Spotify's top 50 viral songs in 2015.
You will notice that a lot of their songs sound acoustic, and most are. The intro to Devil Like Me is a great example of this. If you enjoy that song, I also recommend "Cocaine Jesus". Cocaine Jesus begins off with a harmony, which they seem to use a lot in all of their songs, but they do so in a tasteful way. If you are in a more up-beat mood, I recommend listening to "All that and more (Sailboat)" and "Mr. Redundant".
My Personal favourites are "Bare Bones," "Lady Lie," "Hey Pretty Momma," and "Black and White". If you get the chance, I urge you to listen to all of their songs, so you can truly see how their style varies.

As for their lyrics, they are great. But I don't think that the meaning behind their lyrics are the preliminary attraction, rather it's the catchy-ness and unique enunciation. 
If you're interested in seeing more of their lyrics click this link to RKS's song genius:

Here is the link to my RKS Spotify playlist (it contains all of their songs):

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